Radio silence after a breakup
Radio silence after a breakup

radio silence after a breakup

Sometimes it can feel slightly strange sitting down and writing out plans or goals for our own improvement, but many studies have shown that putting your goals down on paper makes them much more achievable. Not only will the 7 tips I’m about to share with you keep your mind off the breakup and pass the time more quickly, they’ll also give you a better chance of getting your ex back. It should be a very busy month for you, not a month spent waiting around staring at your phone. I mean, yes that’s what it involves, but you need to actually use those 30 days to make positive changes and prepare for the future when you’re communicating regularly again. Look, far too many people think that No Contact is as simple as simply ignoring your ex for 30 days. I’m going to help you make the absolute most of the No Contact Strategy, so that when you do get back in contact with your ex, you can impress them with how you’ve grown as a person, while illustrating that you are capable of enacting positive change in your life. I have gone into this in great detail here. Guys, I’ve done extensive research into this and a number of studies have concluded that 30 days is the ideal amount of time for emotions to settle and for your ex to start missing you again. Now, you might be wondering, why 30 days? And no, it’s not a random number. If you follow these simple but effective tips I’m going to share shortly, your ex will be back in your arms in no time! Regardless of who you are, or the particulars of your breakup, initiating at least 30 days of no contact is pretty much always going to be the first step in wiping away any lingering negative feelings your ex may be harbouring in the back of their mind

Radio silence after a breakup how to#

That’s why I’m going to clear up any confusion about the 30 Day No Contact Rule and make sure you know how to use it properly to get the maximum benefit. Many people, my clients included, fail to fully understand what the No Contact Strategy means or how to ensure it works as well as it’s supposed to. The first and most crucial step to getting your ex back is No Contact! As a breakup coach who has been helping people get their loved ones back for years, I know how powerful No Contact can be. It may be difficult to even consider, but trust me. You want to get your ex back and you’re wondering if the No Contact Strategy can help.

Radio silence after a breakup